My Career Path In Nursing

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1. As I grew up, I never really knew what career path I wanted to take. The thought that scared me was that whatever I did decide to choose, it was going to be what I would do for the rest of my life. When my freshman year in college came around, I majored in nursing. However, I never was fully certain that nursing was something that I truly wanted to pursue. I felt like the only reason I chose nursing to begin with was because my mother is a nurse. I thought about it for a while and realized that I shouldn’t choose nursing as my major just because my mother is a nurse, instead, I needed to choose a major because I have a real compassion and desire for it. One day I got really frustrated and decided to talk to my father about my situation. My father is someone I really look up to for advice so I knew he could surely help me out. I explained to my father that although I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to major in, I knew that I wanted to choose a career where I would make an impact on people’s lives and make a difference around the world. I have always been a people-person type of individual, and I continued to explain this to my father. After considering what I had to say, my father suggested speech-language pathology. He told me that it was a field he thought would be a great fit for me because he said that I’m a very patient individual with a good heart. I had never heard of speech-language pathology before and I asked my father to tell me little bit about the field. As a physician, my father knows several speech pathologists, and therefore, he had a pretty solid explanation on the career as a whole. After my father gave me a detailed explanation of the field, I immediately fell in love with it. It sounded exactly like som... ... middle of paper ... ...ize and it inspires me to want to become just like them. I know that as a speech-language pathologist I will certainly be able to help individuals in endless amounts of ways. It will be my goal as a speech-pathologist to change someone’s life forever, whether it be helping someone with a minor articulation disorder or helping someone who has lost the ability to speak effectively. It would mean the world to me if I was able to see even the slightest progress in an individual because this would mean that they were one step closer than they were yesterday. The field of speech pathology seems undoubtedly challenging, but it also seems like it is one of the most rewarding professions in the world. I really hope that someday I can follow in the footsteps of my parents, assisting others passionately, for they are two incredible individuals that I will always look up to.

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