The Great Pyramids

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The Great Pyramids

Throughout the thousands of years that the Great Pyramid has been standing, there have been many myths and legends that sprung up. Among them was a landing site for alien spacecraft, a spacecraft itself, or the means to predict the future. This report is going to explain the actual reason the Great Pyramid of Giza exists, how and why it has existed for so long, and the story of its construction.

The builder of the Great Pyramid does not get enough credit for his unbelievable achievement. Khufu (Also known as Cheops) was pharaoh for 24 years, 20 of which were occupied by the construction of the pyramid. The Greeks of the period called him Cheops but his original Egyptian name was Khufu.

Despite building the largest structure in the world at the time, only a nine-centimeter statue depicting him has been discovered. It seems odd that nothing more of such a great ruler would show up.

Another oddity is that there was absolutely nothing found within the pyramid, except the coffer. No organs, no treasure, no body. Nothing. You could argue that robbers came and stole the treasure, but why take the body or the organs? Also the coffer is too big to fit through the passage ascending to the King's Chamber, which means that the coffer was placed in the Chamber while the roof was still unfinished, contrary to traditional Egyptian burials. Normally, they would carry the coffer containing the pharaoh's corpse up through the ascending passage to his final resting place. This tells us that the Great Pyramid of Giza was probably not intended as a tomb. What was it for then? Lets see if we can find out.

The Pyramid

It's 756 feet long on each side, 450 high and is composed of 2,300,000 blocks of stone,...

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...sea level (Miami being low and the Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by modern-day satellites and computers, happens to be 5,449 inches. That is the exact height of the Pyramid.

· All four sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly bowed in, or concave. This effect, which cannot be detected by looking at the Pyramid from the ground, was discovered around 1940 by a pilot taking aerial photos to check certain measurements. As measured by today's laser instruments, all of these perfectly cut and intentionally bowed stone blocks duplicate exactly the curvature of the earth.


Most of the information in this report is still being debated even today. The true reason for the pyramid's existence may never be known. The pyramid has always been a subject of speculation, and it seems that it will be for some time to come.

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