Pyramids Of Giz Annotated Bibliography

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ARBE 1104 - Annotated Bibliography The Pyramids Of Giza were chosen as they are three extraordinary structures that give a rich insight into the context, culture, function, technology, power and experiential aspects of the time period and the buildings themselves. The three pyramids showcase the Egyptian’s advanced construction and design methods, their religious beliefs and practices, their rich and diverse culture, the power of the king, as well as the context that surrounded these magnificent structures. Building construction 2015. Britannica School. Retrieved 11 August 2015, from This website provides an overview of the use of stone in Ancient Egyptian civilisations, discussing their ability to cut stone, the use of stone in …show more content…

2013. A world history of architecture. Laurence King, London This book talks about the experiential aspects of the Pyramids Of Giza, discussing how the size of the buildings, as well as the spaces and materials used, make the pyramids feel very grand, reflecting the pharaoh’s power. (Fazio 2013) suggests that the pyramids were built to such grand proportions to emphasis the power of the pharaoh in society as well as his god like status. Ikram, S, & Kamrin, J 2012, 'THE MAJESTIC THREE', Calliope, 23, 1, p. 24, MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 11 August 2015. This periodical discusses the physical appearance of The Pyramids Of Giza as built by each pharaoh, and also the function of the pyramid as a mortuary temple (Salima Ikram, Janice Kamrin 2012). It also discusses the Pyramids of Giza as great structures of the ancient world (Salima Ikram, Janice Kamrin 2012). This periodical was very important to my understanding as it showcased why Pyramids were so important to the burial process, showing the connection between burial and architecture. The authors of this periodical remain non bias throughout, providing factual information about the Pyramids Of

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