Why Is The Glass Ceiling Shattered For Women?

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Women have struggle for years to break that glass ceiling for years.Women's rights movement marks July 13, 1848 as the beginning. On August 18, 1920 the 19th Amendment was passed and it gave women some rights. This was only the beginning. Women still have a long way to go before the glass ceiling is shattered. The Glass Ceiling has not been shattered for women examples are the Military, Jobs, and Government. Military is a good of example that the glass ceiling is not shattered for women. Some people say that “men generally have more, strength, speed, and stamina than women”( Kenny A.2). Women are sometime have more, strength, speed, and stamina than men, and strength, speed, and stamina is extremely important for the Military. The “Marine corps leaders sought to keep certain infantry and combat jobs closed to women”(Ritchie). This show that Marines leaders do not want women with them. A Captain “ of the U.S Marines [wrote] an essay entitled ¨ Why Women Don't Belong in the Infantry,¨ [and] it won first prize in [an] magazine's annual essay contest”( Kenny 18). This show that …show more content…

In “2014 and 2015… zero women were head coaches of Division 1 men… teams”(Price E.1). This shows that they thought that women could not be head coaches for men or thought they might be a distraction to them. In “2015, a women earn 80 cents” for every dollar a man earned (Zhai). Men are still give women lower pay. Female workers with the same college degree as men “earn an average hourly wage of $16.58” and the men earn $20.94 (Zhai). Women are still getting lower pay although they have the same degree. The”Women's Policy Research in september[of 2016] found that if [this] continue, women will not receive equal pay until 2059”(Zhai). This shows that women has a long way to go before they earn equal pay. It is clear that for women that they have a long way to go before the glass ceiling in Jobs is shattered for

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