The Giver Euthanasia

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The Banning of Euthanasia
“Patients who are being kept alive by technology and want to end their lives already have a recognized constitutional right to stop any and all medical interventions, from respirators to antibiotics. They do not need physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia.”(Emanuel,Brainy quotes). This is what a professional doctor says about euthanasia. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is where you inject yourself with something to kill yourself. This was legalised in Dutchland and terrible things have happened because of it.This essay will also be compared to events of euthanasia that happened in The Giver by Lois Lowry. Therefore, euthanasia should be banned throughout the united states.

One reason euthanasia should be banned is that people could abuse the substance. There have been multiple accounts …show more content…

Euthanasia gives the doctor control over the patient’s life, and that’s not right. In Dutchland, their was a parliament considering making euthanasia legal, and handicapped elders sent this letter in response."We feel our lives threatened...We realise that we cost the community a lot...Many people think we are useless...Often we notice that we are being talked into desiring death...We will find it extremely dangerous and frightening if the new medical legislation includes euthanasia." (Richmond,Life)This is showing that the power given to the people not only injecting the patient with the substance, but anyone who is rude and tells people to their life could be given a lot of power due to the amount of pressure they are giving the others. In the Giver, euthanasia has a huge amount of power in the community. If the people in the community break the rules twice, they are instantly euthanised. They also get euthanized if they are the smaller of identical twins, or if they are not able to meet the qualifications to be a

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