American Revolution: Justified Rebellion or Unfair Taxation?

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The outcomes of the French and Indian war, led up towards the separation of the colonies from the government of Great Britain. One of the major problem that led to the American Revolution; was that Britain spent too much money on the French and Indian War, and wanted the colonies to help pay their debt. Therefore, Britain started to add taxes on specific goods in the colonies. The colonists were really disturbed about the taxes and because they did had no representation in Parliament. Moreover, the decision over the American Revolution is a significant period of time that molded the United States. Although, the American Revolution took place many years ago; several debates still linger to this point.

The Ethics of American Revolutionaries
The American Revolution was a very controversial issue at the time, whit only one third supporting independence and one third opposed. Afterwards, whit the victory of America, the colonist was viewed as the “good-guys” and the British as the villains. However many people started to
However, in some occasions there is an ethical duty to rebel against a government, rather than a peaceful protest. The American Revolution is a perfect example, for the reason that Great Britain wanted to take advantage of the colonies by demanding taxes on revenues. The colonist took matter into their own hands when they saw that a peaceful protest did not work. Moreover, even though the British had a huge advantage over the colonies; the colonies did not took that as an excuse. They are several criteria’s that revolution would be justified. The line should be drawn whenever they gain control of what started the conflicts in the first place. The colonies showed a perfect example about the criteria of justification of the revolution. The colonies stopped fighting Britain; as soon as there was an agreement that both sides fully agreed

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