The Four Characteristics Of Being An Effective Teacher

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3. Characteristics of Effective Teacher No matter how important and no matter how good the textbook, the method, the physical condition of the classroom and the materials are, the major components responsible for the success or the failure of the teaching/learning process is the teacher, his personality, his habits in class, his attitudes and his academic knowledge. Miller (1987: 41) states four major issues related to the concept of “being an effective teacher”:
1. affective characteristics
2. teaching skills
3. academic knowledge
4. classroom Climate In this part; we will examine these four categories of effective teaching and provides information that teachers should consider when thinking about increasing their effectiveness …show more content…

Creative teacher creates opportunities for problem analysis, encourage class discussion and invites criticism of his/her own ideas. He knows that all students have difficulties and problems in the process of learning and growth. The teacher must help students to meet their special needs and interests that will let students know that someone care about them. A Creative teacher is necessary and essential in helping young students learn to live and work together in a society. He brings activities where students and teachers work and plan together, express opinions and make decision. Through these activities, students discover a sense of responsibility, participation, freedom of speech and respect for the opinions and right of others. Ingram and Kilmer (1958; …show more content…

They are defined as follows:
1. Clarity: How each lesson relates to the main subject.
2. Order within the classroom, order and civilized behavior are maintained.
3. A clear set of Standards as to how students should behave and what each student should do and try to achieve, with a clear focus on higher rather than minimum standards.
4. Fairness: the degree to which there is an absence of favoritism, and a consistent link between rewards in the classroom and actual performance.
5. Participation: the opportunity given to students to participate in class discussion, questioning and other similar activities.
6. Support: feeling emotionally supported in the classroom, so that students are willing to try new things and learn from their mistakes.
7. Safety: the degree to which the classroom is a safe place, where students are not at risk from emotional or physical bullying, or other fear-arousing factors.
8. Interest: the feeling that the classroom is an interesting and exciting place to be, where students feel stimulated to learn.
9. Environment: the feeling that the classroom is a comfortable, well organized, clean and attractive physical

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