The Duality Of Faith And Reason In Medieval Islamic Times

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The duality of Faith and Reason had occupied the mind of many Muslim political thinkers in Medieval Islamic times. Starting from Al- Kindi who lived during a good time in the Islamic era and who never gave up on his faith believing that prophetic revelation stands to reason. We have another famous thinker called Al- Razi who stated that God had created the soul and matter within the space and this is how he created a world, a meaningless world to be specific, until God has brought reason to the Union. We also have Ibn Sina who has a very important contribution in the duality of faith and reason, he believed that reason is related to rationality and that the rational soul consists of two parts: the practical reason which guide us in our everyday lives and theoretical reason that includes potential reason which is divided among three ways (abtitude, ability, and the fruition of ability). And that the independent type of all types of reason is the Actual reason and this one is controlled by …show more content…

According to the greatest minds in Islamic political thought like theologians, philosophers and scholars, they believed that there had always been a conflict between Faith and Reason since they believed that their faith wasn’t an irrational but a rational one which was contradicted with the demand of reason. They were characterized by having what’s called rational faith, a kind of faith which finds in reason a way to question its own mysteries and to clarify itself at a certain degree of self-explanation or self-justification. Those remarkable people with the greatest minds lived their faith trying to contact with the profound mystery of existence. Here as a result we can conclude that we cannot rationalize spiritual life because the common objective of faith and reason is beyond the sentiment by faith and the argument built by

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