Naguib Mahfouz’s Zaabalawi

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Naguib Mahfouz’s Zaabalawi The Islamic tradition, as reflected in Naguib Mahfouz’s Zaabalawi, has over the course of history had an incredible impact on Arab culture. In Mahfouz’s time, Islamic practices combined with their political relevance proved a source of both great power and woe in Middle Eastern countries. As alluded to in Zaabalawi, Mahfouz asserts the fact that not all Muslims attain religious fulfillment through this common tradition, and other methods outside the scope of Islam may be necessary in true spiritual understanding. My project emphasizes this spiritual tension by presenting a wineglass inscribed with Qur’anic verses. By examining the purpose and structure of this wineglass, the truth of Mahfouz’s philosophy emerges. Such glassware is designed specifically for the consumption of alcohol, a direct violation of Islamic law. However, despite its nature, this glass has the capacity to hold many other liquids, which reflects the versatility of spirituality. The clear base and stem symbolize the perfect clarity with which the Qur’an was revealed to Muh...

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