The Connections Between Rest and Exercise

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The Connections Between Rest and Exercise Rest and exercise is two thing main things you need to stay healthy. Rest helps mentally, emotionally, and physically. For instance, exercise leads to a better rest and rest leads to better exercise. Also, too much rest or too much exercise can hurt your health. For example; too much rest can result in being overweight and lack of fitness. Exercise can cause you to get an injury if you exceed how much your body can take. Since those effects are bad in results in you having to do both and not just one to prevent these effects. Here are ways rest is good physically. Some people work out to get muscles and have great muscular strength. Even though that takes a lot of exercise to get your muscle where you want them you still need rest. “Muscles are made stronger during rest.” (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2007) In addition to the exercising hard for your desired muscles comes one cause from long hard exercise. When you increase your exercise it’s called overload. “Overload tires your muscles.” (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2007) During an overload...

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