Impact of Code of Ethics on Nursing Practice

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The Code of Ethics is an important document that outlines the mission and values of the organization and also guides the professionals in making ethical decisions. “It serves as a means of self-evaluation and self-reflection regarding ethical nursing practice and provides the basis for feedback and peer review” (CNA, 2008). Furthermore, it serves as the basis from which nurses can advocates for quality work environment that supports the delivery of safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care (CNA, 2008). A code of ethics also may be designated as a code of professional responsibility which will discuss difficult issues, difficult decisions that will often need to be made and provide a clear accounts of what behavior is considered “ethical” or “correct” or “right” in a given circumstance. If a nurse fails to comply with the Code of Ethics, it can result in expulsion from the professional organization (ethical violation). In order to highlight the importance of how Code of Ethics impacts the nursing practice as on-going effect present in contemporary practice, in particular amongst registered nurses, the background of …show more content…

“Nursing is essentially concerned with the care of vulnerable fellow human beings and because nursing care targets precisely the essential integration of expert activity (knowledge and skills) and caring (virtue). The training of nurses must focus on regarding the development and promotion of acts by which an altitudes from which care is provided” (Vanlaere & Gastmans, 2007). In order for nurses to achieve this, nursing education must have a broader base of knowledge from the science and humanities because nursing is both an art and science. In addition to the quote above, “when nursing coursework are built upon the humanities as well as the sciences, heuristic base for clinical care and problem solving for nurses is expanded” (Vanlaere & Gastmans,

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