The Characteristics Of Democracy And Democracy In Ancient Greek Democracy

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It appears the ancient Greeks were very concerned with the basic question as to who should rule and how. The typical debate was if sovereignty (known as kyrion) rest in the rule of law, the written constitution, elected/appointed officials, or the citizenship. Because there was never a consensus across the different city states, the region was left with a very diverse and confusing combination for several centuries. Real political power could rest in the hands of a single individual: (monarchies and tyrants) or in a select few (the oligarchies) or in every male citizen: democracy - widely regarded as the Greeks' greatest contribution to civilization (Ancient Greek Government, n.d.).

In the context of ancient Greece, monarchies were very rare and were very much like tyrannies; however, the characteristics of monocracies usually inferred a ruler that cared for and was interested in the people of the governorship. In Macedonia and Epeiros, the ruler even shared power with an assembly. We know that in Sparta, although they possessed an assembly, it also had two kings. The kings were also …show more content…

Technically, the Athenian constitution is characterized as a democracy because it respects the interests of the whole people, not of the minority. That is about where the similarities end compared to modern forms. The word demos, in Greek times, referred to the entire citizen body. Many credit Athens with the birth of democracy (demokratia) from around 460 BCE. But we should note, several other Greek states established similar political systems. The assembly of Athens met at least once a month, perhaps two or three times, on the Pnyx hill in a dedicated space which could accommodate about 6000 citizens(Ancient Greek Government, n.d.). Some critics of democracy, such as Thucydides and Aristophanes, suggested that good orators or popular leaders could overly influence the electorate; and that threat still remains true

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