The Book Of Shadows: The Role Of Religion

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Religion is what makes up a component of a culture: our rituals and the way we process life and death. Religion is the way we can deal with traumatic events. It is the way we reflect, and the way we opt to live our lives. To be a good person, to be ecstatic after our celestial spirits have left this world. Where do we go? What is of us after this life on earth? That’s precisely why people chose to believe in supernatural beings that guide us and create our destiny. A being(s) that have made this planet that we stand on. There are several religions within this world; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism etc. These are some of the main religions, but there are a few that have not been recognized; their practices done in secret. They …show more content…

It is one of the more intricate religions that can be. There is no official book, or leaders. To replace the book, a witch writes at the end of his/her life about the spells and beliefs that could pass down to others in their coven. This writing is called “The Book of Shadows”. Wicca is a pagan religion, which the root word ‘paganus’ in Latin means country dweller. Paganism usually pertains to native religions such as the North American tribe faiths, or Hinduism. Other pagan religions like Wicca are druid and shaman. Like most pagan religions, they believe that the great significance is in the four elements: earth, air, fire, and wind. Paganism copious forms such as meso-paganism; which means a group that has been influenced by a separate culture, but has maintained its own independence of religious practices. Civilo-pegan, which is religions that have evolved into paleo-pagan religions like the ancient Greeks, the Egyptian religion, etc. Wicca could be considered a Neo-paganism religion, because it is an attempt to reconnect modern people with nature. They incorporate modern themes into old beliefs. Neo-pagan, also means new pagan. This form of paganism is mostly based around nature and the reverence for the earth and her …show more content…

The basic beliefs revolve around the goddess, being the moon, and the earth. And the god, also known as the Sun. Worship of the goddess is called Esbats. These rituals are done throughout the lunar phases; full moon, waning moon, and the new moon. Many other holidays are celebrated during moon phases such as the harvest moon in October, and the wolf moon in January. Sabbats is another important celebration in the name of the Gods. Sabbats are also the Wiccan year which is an eight point wheel; starting on October 31 as their New Year. Some Wiccans look at this turning as the continuous story of lady and the lord (god and

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