The Holy Bible: The Threefold Law

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The Holy Bible is the main essence of Christianity especially the New Testament. There are many parables and lesson learned in the Gospels in the New Testament. In the bible there is a Golden Rule found in (Matthew 7:12) which is, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Jesus also touches on the importance of the Golden Rule throughout the bible. In Wicca there is such a Law that is very similar to the Christian Golden Rule called The Threefold Law. The Threefold Law is a cause and effect concept or whatever you do to others it will be done to you. (Dragonsong) So essentially the way an individual treats another should be reflected on how they want to be treated. For Wiccans …show more content…

Most of the persecution seem to have taken place in Western Europe in the times and areas where tension rose between Protestant and Roman Catholic causing ongoing conflict, which resulted in social confusion amongst people. (Religious tolerance) Dating back to the most common interaction of the group of puritan christians in the 1600s. Because of the strict puritan view on the world, God , and what’s right and wrong they deemed anything and everything different from their belief system ungodly and evil. This sparked resentment and persecution of others. In the 1600s a lot of pagan beliefs were still being practiced ones which Wicca is based off of. Witch hunts were common although people that was accused was almost always a christian with some sort of oddity to them. (Meltzer 86) In modern day times Wiccans interactions with christians have lessened, because of the negative stereotype on the religion it draws christians away from interacting with Wiccans. Other than groups who preach about the evil influence that Wicca has on the youth christians don’t recognize Wicca or interact with this religion as …show more content…

Wicca and Hinduism are very monotheistic believing that everything is one in creation. In these two religions there are thousands and millions of deities that they worship. It is not possible for a person of one these religions to worship all of them none the less know them. Both Wiccans and Hindus have personal gods or goddess that they pray to either it’s a family god or coven god being worshipped. Also as well as having personal gods or goddess Wiccans and Hindus most of the time worship at home and have home shrines or altars. Also both religions believe that after death the soul gets reborn through reincarnation. In most religions time moves in a straight line from past present to future. In Wicca and Hinduism time moves in a cycle. In Wicca the movement of the circle is spiral. Everything in the universe changes or goes up on the spiral of the circle reaching a new level each time (Dragonsong). This is similar to the Hindu truth about achieving moksha. Moksha is the the end of samsara or reincarnation. It is when something or someone is one with Brahman (the universe) and out of the cycle of

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