The Biomedical Model

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The medical model is a term used by physicians for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The term was first introduced in 1971 by Laing. The medical model focuses on examining the physical and biological characteristics of diseases. Furthermore, in this model physicians are identifying the disease by physical exams and diagnostics tests, then suggesting a treatment. Therefore, this model has a limited scoop of practice for patient care, ignoring the associate factors which might impact the patient’s health such as emotional, spiritual or personal. On the other hand, nursing has a broad view on the patient health because nurses recognize the patient’s environment, culture, emotions and physical factors when applying nursing care. Nursing has …show more content…

The Biomedical theory that I want to apply is Genetic Principles and Theories. This theory aims to discover the Human Genome data in order to find a meaningful explanation for the inherited diseases. The gene mutating can cause a clinical disease such as Sickle cell anemia. The main cause gene mutation is the alteration in DNA coding which is a result of absence of protein product (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Studying genetic disorders have shown that genetic disorders are responsible for many symptoms. In addition, many diseases tend to occur in the same group of people because they have a genetic susceptibility which is a result of the influence of environmental factors on genes. Incorporate this principles will allow nurses to identify the patient’s risk factors and inherited risks. The nurse gather genetic information by taking history and specific questions regarding genetic risk. The story that I want to apply this theory on is regarding one of my friends who was required to do …show more content…

Because nurses are caring physicians orders without any question (Paynton, 2009). The ultimate power and authority of physicians limited the nurses’ contribution to decision making related to patient’s health (Coombs & Ersser, 2004; Paynton, 2009). I believe that nurses should be treated equally with other health care professionals in order to maintain a high quality of care. Nurses spend most of their time working with patients and continuously monitoring the patient physically, emotionally and spiritually. Nursing have a holistic approach in care giving which I believe is essential for health

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