The Advantages of being an Air Force Food Service Accountant

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Being a food service accountant is a rewarding job that comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s a job that requires one person to be the financial watchdog over the whole food service operation at any particular Air Force base. The food service accountant has to review all financial records, such as purchase order documents, inventory sheets, and waste logs; and then prepare reports to send up to the Services Agency to report on the facility’s financial status. One person can be the accountant for multiple facilities and the entire Air Force is counting on this individual to catch any major signs of wasteful spending from the facilities that the accountant is responsible for overseeing. Individuals lucky enough to get selected for this position are usually handpicked and have a proven record of responsibility and great attention to detail. Being a food service accountant is a privilege with rewarding benefits that most of the people assigned to the same duty section do not get the opportunity to enjoy.

One advantage of being the food service accountant is a convenient, ideal work schedule. Most of the people that work at food service facilities work odd hours such as 4:00am to 1:00pm, 2:00pm to 11:00pm, or 10:00pm to 7:00am. Working the odd hours that shift workers work makes it difficult to get things done outside of work during normal business hours. Shift workers often find that businesses and facilities are closed after work and are only open during hours that he or she needs to sleep and get rest for the next work period. On the other hand, accountants normally work Monday through Friday, from 7:30am to 4:30pm. It is much easier to deposit money at the bank on a lunch break or pay bills after work on an accountant’s work schedule than with a 10:00pm to 7:00am shift. The 7:30am to 4:30pm shift that the accountant works is also great for individuals with children because those hours are considered normal business hours and provides the most options when it comes to choosing daycare.

Another benefit of being the accountant is the fact that it only takes three hours to complete the daily workload. Most of the employees working at the dining facility barely have enough time to complete all of the daily tasks; whereas, the accountant has enough time to complete all daily tasks and more. The accountant can use this slow portion of the shift to maximize personal and professional potential by enrolling in college classes, volunteering for base activities, completing any needed training, or studying for any upcoming promotional tests.

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