The Abrahamic Covenant

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I will be speaking to our adult morning service on Sunday at my church.
Covenant means “an agreement between two parties” in which each party commits to certain obligations towards the other. Often God dealt with humans beings through a covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant was an unconditional covenant because God made promises to Abraham without requiring anything of him. Nevertheless it is clear that Abraham demonstrated faith by believing God’s word and obeying His instructions. Three main facets were established within this covenant: the land, the people and blessing.

“The three main aspects of the Abrahamic Covenant: The Land, the Descendants or Seed, and the Blessing are further developed, each leading into an additional, unique covenant. The Land is further expanded into the Land Covenant (Deuteronomy …show more content…

These people were then liberated from Egypt by God and through Moses given The Law to follow as part of keeping their covenant relationship with God (Mosaic Covenant). This nation was to be a Kingdom of Priests and yet Israel demanded a king like the other nations and in effect rejected God’s rule. Despite Israel’s constant disobedience and idolatry, God never stopped showing His mercy and grace towards His people. God then entered into a covenant with King David (Davidic Covenant), one of Abraham’s descendants to ultimately reveal Himself as Messiah and saviour through His son Jesus Christ. Under the Mosaic and Davidic Covenant God sent His prophets to warn them of what consequences they would have to face if they sinned and the blessings they would have if they obeyed God. Even though His people were exiled because of their sins the prophets still reminded them that God’s covenant with Abraham would still be fulfilled. “The ancient covenant promises would still be fulfilled as God would establish a new covenant with His people. That promise came to fruition in Jesus

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