The Abortion Debate

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What is an abortion? An abortion is an operation to prevent women from carrying on with the pregnancy and having a baby. In other words, it means terminating a pregnancy. Also this method is called a birth control. An abortion is a legal procedure that is done around the world. Other countries, they might have different beliefs about an abortion. There is an illegal way of having an abortion. A certified doctor has to do the operation. The illegal way is when an unprofessional person without certificate or license giving the abortion. This method can be fetal and very dangerous. "Abortion is the death of a person, a living human being distinct from any other individual on this planet"(book 2).

The History of the Abortion

In the past an abortion was illegal but many mothers-to-be did not want to have the baby. So there were people who gave the abortion but the problem was they did not know what they where getting themselves into. They were not clean and sanitary. They used hangers, clamps or anything to get out the growing fetus. Many of these unlicensed people were giving the abortion just for money. Also when the abortion became legal either it was too expensive or needed parental permission. Many of these girls or women did not want their parents to know.

Because of this illegal method, many women died from these kinds of abortions. It was under investigation and the source was not sterile instruments to conduct the abortions (book 1).

"New Jersey state officials sought an acceptable method for dispensing death by capital punishment"(book 3). The decision allowed guilty men and women not to be executed because that is killing another innocent life but in actuality that criminal is not innocent for that "person" took another "person" or "persons" lives. If killing someone who is 93 years old and terminating a life of a three moth old should not make a difference. Then the Supreme Court also decided that killing an innocent unborn human being or fetus is not a person so it can be killed.

Many people hide from problems in the world such as abortions, capital punishments, AIDS, hunger and death and diseases. The silence of the world is the most deadliest thing on earth because we just let things pass us by and the more we do that the more we become extinct (book 5). For example, when Hitler conducted the Holoc...

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... one is right or wrong, this is all a choice of the mother-to-be and so far anyone cannot tell them otherwise. As a viewpoint, abortions should only legal in certain cases.

Reasons Women Give for having Abortions

According to a chart in book 2, 76%of women get abortions because of life-style concerns. Other reasons are ?Can?t afford baby now?, ?Problems in relationship?, ?Unready for responsibility?, ?Embarrassed about sex?, ?Not mature enough?, ?Enough children all ready?, ?Partner wants it?, ?Health of fetus?, ?Health of woman?, ?Parents want it?, and ?Rape or incest?. These are reason that women get an abortion or abortions.

Therefore, many women are still going to keep on with the abortions. They feel that they should have the right to terminate their unborn baby because it?s no one else?s business. Many issues about abortions are is there any short and long term effects, parental protection with their children having to decide to terminate a child, churches issues on how it is a sin to kill a child which according to the church should have happen unless they are married. The research about abortions, many people still needs a lot to learn.

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