Teens In Prison Research Paper

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Two causes of why teens are in prison are mostly because they have problems in their homes. Situations of domestic violence, poverty and rejection. Not all teens have a very happy home they suffer from what they go thru every single day at home having to deal with parents arguing every day seeing their mother or father be hit constantly. Having domestic violence in their home really affect these children in a way that their parents don’t listen to them they don’t communicate or talk not even a simple how did your day go? They will start to feel lonely and try to find a way to do things that might catch their attention like do things that are agents the law some of them think that by doing this their parents will notice and try to stop them. …show more content…

Sexual assaults and physical miss triteness are committed inside. Older prisoners take advantage of them because they are scared with no knowledge of how it is in there they are alone and without protection build with no stop to it. Whenever something happens to them they won’t talk or try to look for help because they are afraid that the prisoners abusing of them they might do something worse to them so they keep it to themselves instead of telling the officers or someone who works in the prison system. Not having their family members with them is also a thing they have to go thru while being in prison they can’t talk to them every day or at whatever hour they want having to only be able to talk for a serten amount of time and not being able to hug them or do activities that they used to do or even see them whenever they want they no longer have the privilege of doing the things that they were so used of doing because of the acts that they chose to take leading them to end up behind bars alone and scared. The main and most important thing that they go thru is not having any privacy what so ever having to deal with being watch all the time watching their evry

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