Ted Bundy Research Paper

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Intro: Ted Bundy was one of the most gruesome and heartless serial killers of all time. His crimes were not uncovered until years after they actually happened. Each one by one, his name was eventually matched to 36 murders, possibly even more. The investigation began in 1974, when police officers and others where in panic because women were disappearing from colleges across Oregon and Washington about one every month. The police and deputies were frantically trying to find a name to attach all of these murders to. But police had very little evidence on who was behind these crimes. Several women came out at stated that a man had attempted to lure them away from a popular beach. They described the suspect as “an attractive young man” who tried to lure them to his brown …show more content…

They said he identifies himself as “Ted.” After the police released this information, a few people all identified the man as “Ted Bundy,” a resident in Seattle. Despite this, Ted Bundy was released as a suspect. In my opinion, this is a flaw in the justice system because four people in the area all pointed them in the direction of Ted Bundy but he was brushed off as a suspect because he was in law school and had not criminal record. This was a huge mistake because if he was investigated more than many lives would have been saved.

First Murders: He was raised by his grandfather and grandmother. His grandfather would often beat him and his grandmother. He was also convinced Ted that his mother was his sister during his childhood, which he later figures out. This traumatic event could have been one of the contributing factors to the 36 plus murders he committed. His first recorded crime was not actually a murder, it was the assault of Karen Sparks, a student at the University of Wisconsin, where Bundy attended as well. She was left in a coma and given permanent disabilities. Bundy would often fake having a broken arm and ask someone if

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