Teaching on Discipleship and Its Effect the Life of a Christian Today

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Teaching on Discipleship and Its Effect the Life of a Christian Today

The teaching of Jesus will affect lives today if we are open to his

word in scripture. If we open to what God is saying to us through

prayer, and if we allow ourselves to be influenced by the good example

of others.

So many of the teachings of Jesus do affect our lives today. I am now

going to talk about some examples in Mark 8:34 'Anyone who wants to

come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me'.

Disciples or discipleship comes at a cost, they must deny themselves

and say no to themselves, must be prepared to put others before

themselves. Must be able to make the hard decisions in life between

right and wrong like following the crowd or doing what Christ's asks.

Jesus also says here we are called to take up our cross.

The true disciple is also here to take there cross; this involves

making sacrifices in our lives. There are many sacrifices in family

lives for example, parent(s) who endlessly care a sick child, or goes

without luxuries in our there lives to provide and care for there

children. Giving their time and patience towards elderly relations is

also making a sacrifice for the person. The life of a true disciple

will be marked by self-denial, generosity, and endless charity.

On another occasion Jesus said, whoever wants to be great must be

servant of all.

Christians are called to use their talents to be of service to others.

The majority of people's service is given in society through work.

Many jobs gives services, through teachers, doctors, nurses, postman,

the industrial workforce and also construction people who provide

people with making them homes they all do services.

Some people actually take on particular vocations to be of services to

other and never to him.

Many people are affected by these teachings today, examples of these

are nuns and brothers, and they give vows of chastity, poverty, and

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