Arguments Against The Resurrection Of Jesus

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1. A Christian believer has a strong argument against those who claim that all religions are the same because the resurrection of Chris is what makes Christianity different from the rest religions. Therefore, the doctrine of resurecction equips the believer with solid arguments to defend his faith. ( 5697, Groothuis) Kindle 2. Undoubtedly, the best way to discredit Christianity is attacking the resurrection of Jesus. That’s why this theological concept should be for Christians the most well known subject. Although, Christians do not have scientific evidence to prove the resurrection there are others proofs that confirm that Jesus raised from the death. (5705, Groothies) Kindle 3. Undoubtedly, Jesus’ life teachings were extraordinary people were amazed of his knowledge and wisdom of the Scripture. However, his teaching do not only feed the human knowledge but they transform the lives of those who listen with a humble heart. This was one of the miracles that brought the resurrection of Christ the life changing of Jesus’s disciples. (5721, Groothuis) Kindle …show more content…

Paul has given an extraordinary of example of humbleness to those who preach and teach the Gospel. Although, the Apostle Paul was well known prepared on any theological subject, he went to Jerusalem to meet with other apostles to verify that his message was alienated with the Gospel. Therefore, pastors and church leaders should look intentionally for spiritual mentors that help them to grow in their knowledge of the Gospel. (121, Habermas) 5. Paul’s testimony on the resurrection of Christ is an asset to Christian apologetics. In addition, The early historical record that the apostle provided in his letters about the death and resurrection of Jesus the Nazareth make the strong argument that the miracle of resurrection was not a myth or legend. The early historical records are poor that the resurrection was not a myth or legend invented by his followers. (124,

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