The Effect of Teaching About Discipleship on a Life of a Christian Today

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The Effect of Teaching About Discipleship on a Life of a Christian Today

The aim of this essay is to show the different effects of discipleship

today. Many Christians have different commitments, for example, jobs,

looking after kids and so on. These people are baptised but do not

fulfil their commitment to god, only attending masses at Christmas,

Easter, death or Marriages. Some Christians do not even manage this.

These Christians haven't understood the commitment involved.

On the Other hand, some Christians are true disciples as they help out

at masses with readings and collections. They give voluntary work at

youth clubs and charity events and so on. They are called to apply

Jesus' teachings in everyday life. Especially with the problems today

with violence, drugs, crime, homelessness and healing the sick. These

people have true faith and take discipleship a bit further, meaning

more cost, but greater rewards.

Another type of Christian discipleship, is those who sacrifice all to

spend life with god. A good example of this people are Roman Catholic

Church Priests, who give up marriage and family to dedicate their

lives to the church by having no distractions and no ties. Many people

respect Priests because they have cost very important things to be

closer with God and the Church. Some people do not respect Priests and

think its bad that they have sacrificed most important things. In the

C of E Vicars make a commitment, but they are allowed to marry. This

can present difficulty, as they have to divide their time between

their families and the Church.

There are many costs to being a disciple today. Just like in Jesus'

teachings, you have to sacrifice all (cost) but the outcome will be

eternal life in heaven (reward) For Example, a Priest has to give up

Celibacy, which is a solemn promise not to marry so he devote his

whole life to God and the Church. This is one major Cost of being a

disciple today.

Three famous people who have served and dedicated their lives to god,

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