Taxing Junk Food Research Paper

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Junk food can cause many issues, but taxing junk food can help reduce these issues. Junk food can cause High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Stroke, Obesity, Sleep Apnea, and Asthma. Junk food also has issues like being cheaper than healthy food. And junk food also causes bad eating habits which can lead to weight problems later in life. So with a higher tax on junk food obesity and other problems can be reduced. The problem with taxes on junk food is junk food costs less than healthy food. So people are consuming more junk food because of the price. Which then causes the people buying and eating the junk food to develop health issues. This is happening in France, Denmark, Mexico, The United States, and many other countries around the world. The people that are involved with the taxes on junk food issue are the people eating the junk food, The World Health Organization, and the Food and Agricultural Organization. …show more content…

The taxes on junk food problem affects the people spend less for junk food instead of buying the more expensive healthy food.And it would also affect the health of the people buying the cheapest junk food. These issues exist because people are buying the cheaper and less healthy food instead of healthy food. And those issues cause the people buying the junk food to begin developing weight problems and even obesity. Many types of foods are considered junk food. An example of junk food is fast food like McDonald's, KFC, Taco Bell and other fast food restaurants. Another example of junk food is candy and other sugary treats like Skittles, Starbursts, cookies, brownies and other sugary treats. Another example of junk food is pop and other sugary drinks like Sprite, Mountain Dew, Coke, some Teas and other sugary drinks. All of those foods and drinks are examples of junk

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