Taking A Stand Summary

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The main idea about this article is bullying and how it can be lowered down 30% if students took a stand. Researchers from Princeton University, Rutgers University, and yale University studied about students taking a stand towards bullying and how it can affect the situation more. The researchers have made about 24,000 students enrolled in all different schools to take a survey test about who they hang around with in school or outside of school. They have used the data to figure out what's going on so they created a anti-bullying program more than half the students showed up for the program. After a year later students kept going with the program and having to make photos on instagram saying hashtag “iRESPECT”. Students also made wristbands for other students helping the cause. …show more content…

I found the ideas in the first and middle of the articles. It has given me the ideas to write my points. Those ideas have gave me positive and negative information in the article. The facts that i have found can lead to a big impact if student stand when bullied. Another idea i found is that if students went to more interventions it can cause less conflict.
The article is objective in a way where researchers have made a anti-bullying program. The objective is to stop bullying. The only way to get 30% decrease is to take a stand against bullying have every school take a stand on bullying. Make more interventions for kids that so they can get along with each other and there will be less conflict. Next is to stop the Social network bullying it has shown influential students

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