Essay On Stand Your Ground

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Laura Brubaker This Land May Be Your Land and My Land but I'll Shoot You If You're on Mine! Individual Policy Report 1: Stand Your Ground I. Introduction Current Texas law states that citizens are not legally liable to using deadly force against an intruder in a place they have a reasonable right to be (i.e. home, vehicle, place of employment). (Texas Penal Code 9.31, 2007) This law only applies if the citizen is not committing a crime themselves, they did not provoke the attacker and they had reason to believe they were in danger of becoming a crime victim. (Texas Penal Code 9.31, 2007) II. Rationale and Intent for Texas’ Policy The purpose of this law is to protect an individual from crime by removing the ambiguity or fear that they …show more content…

Mr. Rodriguez called 911 to report loud music from his neighbor’s house. He then walked to his neighbor’s house with his firearm and a video camera. After the confrontation with his neighbor, he called law enforcement once more to tell them he felt threatened and that he was standing his ground. While Paul Rodriguez waited for law enforcement to arrive at the scene, he used deadly force against Kelly Danaher. In this case, Mr. Rodriguez initiated the confrontation and there was no proven evidence that he was in danger (Flatow, …show more content…

Bill Analysis Retrieved September 21, 2016, from Vedantum, E, & Schultz, D. (2013) ‘Stand Your Ground' Linked To Increase In Homicides Retrieved September 21, 2016, from Stand Your Ground Laws - FindLaw. (2016). Retrieved September 21, 2016, from Currier, C. (2012, March 22). The 24 States That Have Sweeping Self-Defense Laws Just Like Florida’s. Retrieved September 21, 2016, from Michels, P. (2012, May 8). Joe Horn and Five Years with the Texas Castle Doctrine. Retrieved February 9, 2017, from Flatow. N. (2014, December 22) Court Grants New Trial to Man Who Said ‘I Am Standing My Ground’ as He Shot Neighbor over Loud Music. Retrieved February 15, 2017, from

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