Synthesis Essay On Bullying In Schools

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Would you ever drop off your child in a pool full of sharks? Well essentially dropping your child off at school is equivalent to just that. Except in school the sharks are just your average American kids with a thirst for blood. Bullying, a word in schools which most are familiar with. It is believed to be a “normal” part of school life, however, when people begin to have this mentality, they forget that bullying is harmful to both the bully and the victim. Therefore, bullying must be removed from schools.

“Kids will be kids or everyone goes through it”, are sayings which most adults use to justify bullying in school. In the popular 2004 teen movie Mean Girls, it centers on the idea of teen bullying in schools. Such movies like this creates …show more content…

In October 2009, 17-year-old Tyler Long took his life after years of abuse of bullying. Suicide from bullying is believed to be the third leading cause of death in America. The authors of Bullies and Victims about 75% of students have experienced being a victim in at least one case of bullying during the academic school year. (Source) CDC confirms that 4,400 teens are killed by there own hands, due to the stress and abuse of bullying each year (Source) Not only do victims of bullying try to take their own life but sometimes due to a breaking point attack their aggressors. According to the United States, 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s were a result in school …show more content…

“ The answer is simple according to James leman, author of the secret life of bullies. Bullying solves their social problems. It is easier to bully someone than to manage your emotions and learn to solve your problems. Bullying is believed “the easy way out” and sadly is the choice most kids take. Bullying comes from a variety of different sources. For example bullying at home. For siblings fighting with each other is a way for getting what they want. This form of aggression and intimation can easily become a habit in getting what they want and used in schools not knowing any different. Growing up in an abusive home can also be a reason for bullies to act out. They learn from their abuser and do what is done to them onto others simply because that is all they know. Lastly bullying can stem from, ”some type of undiagnosed or diagnosed learning disability which inhibits the child's ability to learn both social and problem-solving skills.”

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