Bullying And How It Affects Children Today

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In the world today there are many social problems that occur every day and some have even been occurring for years. No matter how well of a society we can be, there is always going to be some sort of social problem because there will always be at least one person who does not agree with the rest of the people. One of the social problems that stand out to me is bullying and how it affects kids today. Bullying is a serious issue among the younger generation today and it is important that we as a society not ignore it. Mostly everyone has either been the bully or the person that gets bullied at least once in their life. Bullying is a social problem because it starts with the kids’ environment and the primary groups that they spend most of their …show more content…

If they have verbally or physically abusive parents, then the child will most likely act upon that behavior as well with other kids. That child feels in power being mean to the other kids, so he becomes the bully because of his parents’ actions. A child that is raised around good parenting is most likely to not feel the need to bully other kids because he does not see his or her parents fight with one another and belittle each other so he or she understands that belittling someone is not right. Kids growing up learn everything from their primary groups in their life. A primary group being people they are close to and interact with regularly Rohall, Milkie, & Lucas (2014). The primary groups of children consist of their mom and dad and other siblings if they have any, so those are the biggest influencers on the young kids and their perspective on how to treat …show more content…

Since one of the primary groups for kids is school and the people there, I would change the way teachers and staff went about bullying and how to solve it. The teachers would serve as a second set of parents to the kids and inform them about what to do when they see someone being bullied or how to identify a bully and go about helping them not be like that anymore. I think that would be really helpful to all kids an no one would feel the need to be higher than the others. Another way I would try to resolve the problem is by gaining the kids’ trust and them feeling safe in telling any adult they trust in about problems going on at home or anywhere, even school. That way, kids would not have to feel the need to hide their problems from adults that care about them and want to help them. The social environment at a young age is very important because it makes the young kids into the adults they are going to be when they reach that adult age, so the balance of knowledge and right and wrong is key for the

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