Supramolecular Chemistry Essay

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Chapter one
1.1 Supramolecular Chemistry
Over the last decades, supramolecular chemistry has been a vigorous, fast-growing and fascinating area of current research in chemistry, physics, materials science and biological processes.refs It is a highly interdisciplinary field with wide-ranging collaborations between chemists, biologists, environmental scientists, engineers, physicists, theoreticians, mathematicians and other researchers. Furthermore, there is an essential aim for supramolecular chemists to try to mimic the role of Nature’s recognition and self-assembly behaviour through the design of synthetic systems, which can lead to the development of new functional molecules and bio-reagents for a specific application. Since the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry,refs which was awarded to Donald Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn and Charles Pedersen for “their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity”, there has been much intense research in the area of supamolecular materials by self-assembly and the …show more content…

The molecules which perform the recognition are known as host molecules, and those which are recognized are termed guest molecules. The double stranded DNA, as an excellent example, can be review as complementary molecular recognition by molecular self-assembly through matched base pairs (complementary base pairing) on adjacent strands, hydrophobic effects and π-π stacking. Therefore, molecular recognition chemistry is also called host–guest chemistry that can exhibit molecular

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