Successful Aging In Older Adults Essay

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Successful aging in older adults is measured in three different components: low probability of disease or disease-related disability, high cognitive and physical functional capacity, and active social engagement with life (Meisner, Dogra, Logan, Baker, & Weir, 2010). Physical activity is shown to influence each component of successful aging. Physical activity has been identified as one of three key health behaviors impacting the major chronic diseases of aging that are increasingly responsible for a substantial proportion of global mortality (King A. & King D., 2010). Older adults represent the most inactive portion of the population. In terms of aging successfully, physical activity is one of the aspects that contributes significantly to an …show more content…

According to Whitbourne (2017), women over the age of 65 currently outnumber men, amounting to approximately 56% of the total over-65 population. Asian women often experience the physical aspect of aging very slowly compared to other races. The physical aspects of aging is due to genetics, lifestyle, and social norms. Asian women would spend fortunes on face products and tend to avoid the sun as much as possible, whereas Western women tend to enjoy sun exposure to obtain a tan. In terms of income, women face a more restricted range of choices and prospects of lower earnings than men do (Whitbourne S.K. & Whitbourne S.B., 2017). The amount of income a women makes contribute significantly to the levels of successful aging. Women with higher income are able to afford more to spend more on themselves internally and externally, whereas women with lower income would not have the extra money to spend on themselves. In terms of appearance, women are subject to ageism and sexism, and minority-status women are subject to racism, ageism, and sexism (Whitbourne S.K. & Whitbourne S.B., 2017). Compared to men, the appearance of women are often judged as looking less attractive as they age. According to the inoculation hypothesis, older minorities and women have managed to become immune to the effects of ageism through years of exposure to discrimination and

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