Life Factors In The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

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“Do not try to live forever, you will not succeed” (George Bernard Shaw). Life has finite limits, no one can live forever, but, someone can make an impact in your life or in millions of people's’ lives. In today’s society, everyone is living to old age. They are staying healthier longer due to better basic development forces, such as biological, psychological, socioeconomic and life-cycle forces that interact in a complex way. Some people are not so lucky, as they might develop dementia, Alzheimer's or a different disease causing them to age faster in a way that they won’t be able to do some of the activities they have been doing. Physical attractiveness is threatening with old age. As you age, wrinkles will form, skin will lose its elasticity, …show more content…

The look that everyone strives for is youthful and attractive. In the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Benjamin was born with wrinkles, looking like an eighty-year-old man. Many people did not find him attractive but he could do nothing about it. He knew he was growing up in reverse. As he grew “young”, his wrinkles started to disappear, he could walk better, his gray hair was turning into a more brownish color. Everything you would think about aging, he was going through it in reverse. What was happening to him was the complete opposite of how people usually age. Once people start to hit their middle aged years, signs of aging will visually start to appear such as a few gray hairs, wrinkles. Many people will never forget the day they see their first gray hair or wrinkle (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2015). My sister just turned thirty a few months ago and for most people that is a huge milestone in their lives. Prior to her birthday, she noticed one strand of gray hair, she showed me and I could not see it but she definitely did. It is things like this that make aging the worst thing. Getting gray hair is natural, but today’s society says different. Gray hair is bad, wrinkles are not okay. You do not get Botox? You want to have wrinkles than? There is so much pressure on everyone to stay young and continue to have that youthful look when they …show more content…

The main point is Benjamin aging backwards, growing “young” and what different complications and obstacles he has to go through in life. His physical appearance when he was born was that of an older looking man, but resembled an infant. A lot of people thought he was ugly because of that, which especially in today’s society, would be totally normal for people to judge him for how he looks. He had the memory and wisdom of an older adult as well, for technically being a younger adult or teenager, but yet he still had so much to learn. By the time he was a toddler, technically around eighty years of age, he had forgotten most of what he had done throughout his life. And eventually forgot who Daisy was, but at the very end of the movie before Benjamin died in her arms, he had this look and that from that look, Daisy knew that he recognized who she was. Daisy and Benjamin’s relationship was always changing, it never once was the exactly the same each time they saw each other. Benjamin narrated, at the end of the movie, about all the loved ones in his life and what they did for a living and how it was unique for them and that it was their purpose to do those specific activities or

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