Stereotypes Of Food In Chinese Food

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What most people notice about other cultures is their food. Some types of food are common amongst other cultures, so most people tend to classify that food with the culture it is most common in. Like white rice is Chinese food or sushi is Japanese food. Classifying certain foods as a part of other cultures isn’t a bad thing. It is a bad thing when negative connotations are added to it. That is called stereotyping. An example of stereotyping is when a person sees a certain type of food and thinks negative thoughts about an ethnic or cultural group. We are going to focus on the stereotypes about black people, Asian people, and American citizens to see how food can be used as a tool of racism instead of just being eaten. Watermelon and fried chicken has been used to de-civilize black people since the 1619s. It was a way to make them seem like simple minded beings that are happy to just work and have watermelon. Fried chicken was a way to make them seem savage, because fried chicken is generally eaten with your hands. In other words, you judged people by their table manners. If you ate with your hands that was bad table manners. So if a black person eats fried chicken with their hands, you don’t think highly of them because they have poor table manners. This mentality of racism hasn’t changed It has bigger food portions and bigger citizens. This stereotype is rooted in fact, but it doesn’t make it any less unpleasant. One of the reasons that America is getting “bigger” is because of the fast food industry. It has cheap, greasy food and is available almost everywhere. Low income families almost have to buy fast food because they can’t afford anything else. This stereotype isn’t as bad as the others, but it is demeaning to have the entire world make fun of you. It is unfair because not all Americans are big. It seems that all stereotypes have something in common, they are all

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