Statistical Report With Given Data

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Statistical Report With Given Data

My task is to produce a statistical report with the data I have been

given. Which is on an excel spread sheet, the data consists of Name,

Year group, Gender, Maths set, Registration group, Height and foot

length of every person who was present on the day the statistics were

taken, to ensure some kind of confidentially there is only the first

letter of the forename and the first three letters of the surname in

the data. All the measurements were taken to the nearest centimetre.

Some of the data is missing such as the set or gender because the

information was unavailable but this makes the statistics realistic

because in modern day life information would be missing or

unavailable. The data collected is primary data because I was present

and participated when it was being collected. The data was collected

by measuring the height of every person to the nearest centimetre and

their right foot to the nearest centimetre. 6th formers who do not

take maths were not included in the data. The problems with collecting

the data this way was that the information was collected by different

people so we are never sure if the information was collected in the

same way each time. The data was told to be collected by measuring the

height to the nearest centimetre and the length of the left foot to

the nearest centimetre. The data given is continues data because it

has been measured.

The question I will attempt to answer are:

o Who is taller boys or girls in each year group

I will take a random sample from each year of 70 people; I have

decided I am not going to include the 6th form in my statistical

report so it is on years 7 through to 11 my samples will be

stratified. For years 7 and 9 the number of boys and girls is very

close together so I will just take a sample of 35 people of each sex

for these years, the other years I will take a stratified sample and

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