Standing Up For Beliefs

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Do you consider standing up for your beliefs to be important? Have you ever had an incident where you kept hidden a strong personal belief rather than standing up for that which you believe in? I consider standing up for your beliefs to be a crucial for it builds self-esteem, self-respect, and independence. Furthermore, I believe standing up for your beliefs is a pivotal part of every person’s life. Every human being around the world has their own personal beliefs. Some positive beliefs some negative, however, most people just keep their beliefs to themselves rather than expressing those feelings; as a result, they do not get taken seriously due to their lack of expression. In addition, I also consider standing up for your beliefs to be significant because it helps you build self-esteem. When people boss you around and you keep silent from what you think, it kills your self-confidence. However, when you stand up for yourself and what you believe in, in a respectful way to others, it helps you build up …show more content…

stood up for his beliefs in the rights he believed all blacks should have. He not only helped all of the blacks achieve the self-confidence the harsh rules the whites placed against them had taken away, but also strengthened the idea of standing up for your beliefs like they all should have done from the start rather than letting themselves get treated like inferior beings by all of the racist white men who prosecuted them. Another reason why standing up for your beliefs is important is because it helps you become independant. Even though we often hope there will be some sort of hero or heroine who will come to aid us, the one person we can trust will always help us stand up for our beliefs is ourselves. However, in some cases we do not do anything about it and just stay quiet which we should never do. In other words, the more we stand up for our personal beliefs, the less we will depend on others to validate them for

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