Spread Of Islam Essay

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How has Islam affected Europe?
Without Islam, Europe would still be in the dark ages.

The way we see the sky now is because of islamic astronomers. In the Islamic world astronomy was very important mostly for the purpose of timekeeping. This was because the Quran specifically instructed that Muslims had to pray 5 times a day: Fajr, before sunset, Dhur, at noon, ‘Asr, in the afternoon, Maghrib, right before dawn, and Isha, in the evening. The astrolabe made humans discover the sky, it was created by Greeks but perfected by Islamic astronomers. The name comes from Ancient Greece with astro meaning “star” and labon means “taker”. The item’s purpose was to “locate and predict the position of the Sun, Moon, planet and other stars. It is also …show more content…

As any civilization, the Islamic world learned from other great civilizations, like Egyptians, Greeks, Babylonians. The books that were in other languages were mostly translated in the Bayt-al-Hikmah, or the House of Wisdom, situated in Baghdad, Iraq. Thanks to those books, the Islamic civilization was able to invent and discover new things. For example, one of the greatest mathematicians in Islamic history, Al-Khwarizmi, wrote the Al-kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-ğabr wa’l-muqābala, or the The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing, which set the basics of Algebra, coming from al-ğabr. Also the english word Algorithm comes from the name Al-Khwarizmi. Also, Arabics developed their own number system, based on the Indian number system, This number system was developed throughout the years and used by most of the world today. The concept of zero was brought to Europe by the Islamic civilization. Islamic mathematicians not only passed on to Europe Greek and Hindu legacies, but also set roots for trigonometry and gave us algebra. Using these magnificent mathematical algorithms, Islamic architectures were able to create very resistant buildings that lasted over a thousand

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