The Achivements of The Islamic Civilization

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The Achievements of The Islamic Civilization

Islam, one of the most successful religions was started by Muhammad in

Arabia and had a massive impact on the world. If it weren't for Islam

the world would have been a very different place to live in. Muslims

didn't always invent things; sometimes they improved on other people's

inventions e.g. the number system, the astrolabe and much more. The

first Muslims were Arabs and they went on to conquer many countries.

They wrote down what they learned from these places and so this

knowledge spread to all other Muslims. They became very advanced in

art, architecture, science and mathematics and all this knowledge

eventually spread to non-Muslim countries. Much of what we know today

is based on the ideas formed by early Islamic scholars.

The Islamic religion is based on "The Five Pillars" which are: faith,

prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. The first pillar was and

still is faith in Allah and his teachings. The Muslims were very

religious in fact the first thing a father taught his children was the

Shahada. This phrase when spoken in Arabic is "La ilaha illa Allah;

Muhammad rasul Allah". Muslims believed that the words in the Koran

were exactly the same as God's. Also the world was made by God and

people would be sent to heaven or hell. Since Muhammad's death the

Islamic rules have never changed. The second pillar, named Salat, is

the pillar of praying five times a day. Muslims wash their face, arms,

feet and passed their wet hands over their heads, before each prayer.

Muezzins were people who called the Muslims to the mosques for prayer

by shouting from tall towers called minarets. Layme...

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...other people, such as Greeks, Indians and Chinese, and

added to it. Learning helped to make Muslims into better farmers,

traders, teachers, officials, travellers and soldiers. All these led

to the Muslim religion becoming stronger and spreading to different

people and lands. It was only until 1300 that Europe began to learn

things from Muslims and the effect it had can still be seen today.

Science, medicine, business, warfare, art and even architecture all

come from old Islamic ideas. A vital part of Islam's success was that

it had great religious unity. All Muslims believed in the same one

god, Allah, the same rules, the Five Pillars and the same book, the

Koran. This meant Muslims trusted each other and thought of each other

as brothers. All achievements were seen as a way to help Islam to

become bigger and stronger.

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