Spread Of Islam Research Paper

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Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today. The religion spread throughout the 7th century world like wildfire. Islam is one of the three major monotheistic religions that all started around the same time. The other two religions are Christianity and Judaism. All of these religions are categorized as Abrahamic religions. Started by the prophet Muhammad, he was met by angel gabriel and was told God chose him as a prophet to spread his teachings throughout the world. The task that Muhammad had was a very hard task because most people at the time were polytheistic. Because people were polytheistic at the time the were scared or offended by the monotheistic religion. That made people treat Muhammad and Islam as a threat but Muhammad …show more content…

It unified the ancient world of Africa, Europe and Asia. Advancements in all fields such as math, science, art and government were made because all the smartest minds of the time got a chance to work together on projects. For example, the concept of 0, negative numbers and algebra came from the golden age of Islam. Unification also made languages combine into 1 and made communication easier for everyone. Unification lead to less war because everyone was living under the same empire so there was no one to fight which made the golden age of Islam a very peaceful one and without the fear of being attacked, there was more time for other things such as research and culture. Islam also tried as hard as they could to preserve all prior works of other cultures they took over because they were important to both the Muslims and the people of the works.
Another effect of the spread of Islam is its importance today. As it states in the intro, Islam is the fastest spreading culture today. This is because of the thinking of Muhammad and all of his successors. Reasons like easy conversion to the religion, the vast land that was already Islamic, and the teachings and lifestyle of Allah makes it still a very enticing

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