Sports Excellence Research Paper

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This term in sport excellence we have been training our speed, agility and coordination. Athletic development is important for me because I use all the fitness components in my daily life such as touch when I make a touch in touch football I have to my speed and turn back to get on side. This term in sport excellence we have been testing and training our agility, speed and coordination, we also have done test like the 10m,20m,30m sprints our 5-0-5 test and the illinois test. We also have done our left and right hand ball toss. The purpose of this essay is to show our improvements thought the few weeks, all the hard work and training I was able to improve a lot of my fitness components such as my 40m sprints I got 6.35 for my pre test …show more content…

In my testing a have had a significant changes in my time and score. In my 10m sprints pre I got 1.89 and on my post test I got 1.89 that is a 0.07 difference or a 7 miller second difference, in my 20m pre I got 3.57 and on my post test I got 3.45 that is a 12 miller second difference, in my 40m pre test i got 6.35 and on my post test I got 5.86 that is a 49 miller second difference. On my illinois pre test I got 18.59 and on my post test I got 16.84 that is a 1.75 seconds difference and on my 5-0-5 pre test got 3 seconds and on post test I got 2.44 that is a difference of 56 miller seconds. On my coordination test my right hand throwing I got on my pre test 42 and on my post I got 46 that is 4 different, on my left hand throwing I got 35 and on my post test I got 36 that is a 1 difference. Advantages of the increased speed,agiity and coordination helps in my sport by me sprinting at a player to cut them down before they go down the field in soccer and touch. The coordination helps me catch the ball better and react faster in touch and agility helps me in both sports when I need to change direction and speed. It is important as an athlete to keep continuing developement to improve my sport. I have to keep developing in sprints, agility and coordination in my

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