Dangers of Ephedrine Use in Sports

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What is excellence? Is it perfection, a goal, a feeling, a gift? To some athletes, it is an everyday challenge that comes easy; to others it might not be so easy. Whether it holds a psychological meaning or it’s just another goal to set, it shows a persons attitude and dedication towards a sport. To what extremes will people actually go to reach excellence? Some athletes strive so hard that they will try almost anything to reach their peak of excellence, the extremes that some go through to reach that peak may be either a safe or dangerous road to travel.

People today go through many different avenues while striving for excellence in sports. The main objective these days seems to achieve excellence in the shortest possible time in order for self-satisfaction or for some kind of proof that one is capable of excelling better then someone else. Sports have a variety of difficulties. Excellence is a goal that is worked for, and no matter how long it takes, it is worth the wait.

The avenues people seem to use as a so-called excellence booster may or may not be the best way for striving for this goal. Over-the-counter supplements are one example of an excellence booster to some people. Just the term over the counter makes it sound okay for people to take; yet it can be harmful, and detrimental.

Most athletes, for example, will try almost anything to get bigger, stronger, or faster, in the shortest amount of time possible. This is a personal goal for excellence to them. If there is some over-the-counter supplement or product that will decrease the amount of time it takes to do these things, then a lot of athletes will go down this road because of their own personal dedication. The problem is, this road has consequences and dangers. One of the most common over the counter supplements used today is ephedrine. Ephedrine is a natural central-nervous system stimulant derived from Chinese herbs. Ephedrine is sold in pill form to display that it is okay to take, as any over the counter medicine or vitamin would be. Ephedrine is marketed as a dietary supplement, appetite suppressant, herbal stimulant, a muscle builder, and an inhancer of sexual potency.

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