Spike TV Has Gotten So Annoying: Article Analysis

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The world we live in has many problems, with no solutions. Some problems are more extreme than others. However, one problem in particular is a problem that many people face in their everyday lives. Commercials on the television cause problems on their own. When watching tv, the individual does not want to watch commercials. They pay the television company, whether it is Dish Network, DirecTV, Charter, or whoever their supplier is to watch shows, not commercials When the individual is sitting at home, and their show goes on a commercial break, they switch the channel to watch another one of their favorite shows. When another channel has a commercial on it, then rage and anger fill the watcher’s soul, and mind. Commercials have been around since there was television. Way back when, families only had one channel, and they were so excited to even have a tv, they didn't care what they were watching. Now times have changed, and commercials are annoying. In the article “Here’s Exactly Why Watching TV Has Gotten So Annoying,” the author Victor Luckerson says “Commercials comprised 14 minutes and 15 seconds of each hour of TV on broadcast networks in 2013.” That is a quarter of your hour spent watching commercials. That is …show more content…

They are pointless, and ruin TV channels viewers. For example, Spike TV has very good shows that play, Bar Rescue, Cops, Jail, Lip Sync Battle, and occasionally some movies. With movies, commercials occur during a part in the movie where it is a blackout for a scene change, which does not always distract the viewer, but it still can force them to go away for a bit, and miss part of the movie and the channel loses viewers. With their TV shows, Bar Rescue for example, opens up the show with the sliding of the glass of alcohol smashing against the camera, but then goes to commercial 90% of the time. Some viewers may grow very irritated by that, and not want to watch Spike TV

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