Spank Disobedient Child

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There is always a heated debate behind the question “Is it ok to spank a disobedient child?” or if it should even be allowed. Based on the research I have completed I believe that it is completely ok to discipline by spanking. Spanking in not a form of child abuse like many people sat but instead it is a punitive redirection when verbal redirection will not suffice. As a child I was defiant, not in a despicable way, I just liked to do things my own way and be independent as a result of this personality trait I received many verbal redirections and spankings before my mother became abusive not just physically but verbally as well, however, the abuse was not because of the spankings but were because of her personality traits of manipulation and …show more content…

However, Marjorie Gunnoe and many other psychologists who also are parents believe that by spanking a child they are being taught right from wrong when they are not accepting or listening to the verbal redirections a view that I agree with completely. Although I agree with the spanking method and believe it is a valid form of discipline I also believe spanking should not be the first disciplinary method, meaning I believe parents should try other methods …show more content…

His reasons are very direct however, there are flaws in his statements. He believes hitting shows hitting is ok. This means he believes spanking demonstrates that it’s all right for people to hit people, and especially for big people to hit little people, and stronger people to hit weaker people. Hitting devalues the child. The child’s self-image begins with how he perceives that others perceive him. Hitting devalues the parent. Parents who spank-control or otherwise abusively punish their children often feel devalued themselves because deep down they don’t feel right about their way of discipline. Often they spank or yell in desperation because they don’t know what else to do, but afterward feel more powerless when they find it doesn’t work. Hitting may lead to abuse. This basically means Punishment escalates. Hitting does not improve behavior. Remember the basis for promoting desirable behavior: The child who feels right acts right. Spanking undermines this principle. A child who is hit feels wrong inside and this shows up in his behavior. The more he misbehaves, the more he gets spanked and the worse he feels. Hitting is actually not biblical. Parents shouldn’t use the Bible as an excuse to spank. Hitting promotes anger in children and in parents. While spanking may appear to make the child afraid to repeat

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