Social Media Isn T All Bad For Kids Analysis

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Have you ever been cyber bullied, stocked, or even threatened, just because you posted one tweet, a snap, or even just a friend request? Well, teens go through this everyday because of an app we all use called, social media. The article “Student Examines Negative Effects of Social Media on Teens” by Aurelie Krakowsky is about how social media can have a negative effect on teens. The second article “The Upside of Selfies: Social Media isn’t all Bad for Kids” by Kelly Wallace is about how social media can have a positive effect on teens. Social media can be helpful; however there is more evidence to support that it is harmful to teens. You always here all these bad things happening online with kidnappers, and you never thought once that it could ever happen to you. The text “Student Examines Negative Effects of Social Media on Teens” by Aurelie Krakowsky states, “There are many cases, she says, where teenagers are victims of rumors, oppression, and even kidnaping because of what they choose to share on the web.” Without a doubt, this proves for every teen that posts something can have a higher chance of danger. …show more content…

The text “The Upside of Selfies: Social Media isn’t all Bad for Kids” by Kelly Wallace states, “When it comes to relationships with friends, more than half (52%) of teens said social media has made them better versus just 4% who said it has negatively affected those relationships. This proves that social media can be good in making friends but it still doesn’t beat all the negative

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