Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

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Social media provides plenty of ways that bring people together to communicate, share interests, and make new friends. Social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter have millions of users worldwide. For many people, visiting these sites is a part of their daily life. “Social media has changed the lives of billions of people around the world. Its impact is a topic that is being researched extensively.” (Hendricks). The impact could be advantageous and disadvantageous. The biggest advantage of social media is connecting people. With social media, we can contact anyone around the world, at any time, with one click. It is possible to keep in touch with our family and friends that may live far away and reconnect with old friends “No matter how bad your day has been, there is always something on social media that can make you smile and put everything in perspective.” (Sullivan). We can use any social network sites of our choice to show the world who we really are. Through all the statuses, photos and videos we have shared, we are getting closer with each other. We spend as much time as we do on social media because we find it can be a great form of entertainment. We can view photos, read stories, watch videos that people post to their timelines, and even play games. Moreover, social media keeps us informed and updated. There is always something new for us to check out every day, something we have not seen or heard before. People are less cautious and likely to be an outgoing person online, so social media is a great way to make new friends. In short, social media can help improve life Many people like to share everything online include contact info to stay in touch. It is fun to be a part of social network, however, sharing too many details about our personal information can lead us to danger. Identify thieves can make profits for themselves by stealing our personal information. Social media can cause stalking. With all the details we have shared online, stalker easily can find a way to reach us, follow us or even become us. We never expect it will happen to us, but unfortunately, it still happens every day. Therefore, we should be thoughtful before posting anything online and never share too many information to strangers in order to prevent any unexpected things

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