So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don T Want To Analysis

739 Words2 Pages

Ashton Nicholas
Hedgepeth, Instructor
English 101 001
22 September 2014
Attendance Relies on Desire In “So That Nobody Has to Go to School if They Don’t Want To”, Roger Sipher discusses the reasons that school attendance policies should be abolished. Today’s required attendance rules force students to go to school who do not want be there. Abolishing these attendance laws would create great changes in schools. It would open everyone’s eyes wider for the realization that school is a serious place for learning. Students who do not have the will to learn will not corrupt the atmosphere for those kids that intend to gain a broader education. The purpose of grades is to show how well students are learning in their educational atmospheres. …show more content…

Students that wish not to learn typically prepare their work to the bare minimum in school because they know that they will be passed along to the next grade until they can quit or graduate. Mr. Sipher said it best when he spoke on the fact that most children go to school because their parents want them to get an education. Students are only attending school because of the attendance law that is placed at schools and because of force by their parents. If there were no longer a rule for attending school, then those that do not want to come would not waste their time. Only the students that want their education would go to school, and the learning environment would improve …show more content…

Students that do not want to learn are a distraction in the classroom. If there were no longer a compulsory attendance law, then those students that are a distraction would no longer be in the classroom to be a distraction. People who do not want to learn should stay away from schools. By ending the attendance policies, it would require those students to stay away if they do not wish to learn. In his essay, Mr. Sipher states: “schools are neither day-care centers nor indoor street corners”. This is a very true statement. Schools are meant for earning an education and if a student does not want to learn, then they should not attend the

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