Slackers And Coworkers: Problems In The Workplace

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1. Problem Statement - Getting along with coworkers could be a big deal in the work place, some problem that are often seen in the workplace are Slackers, Disagreeable Coworkers, and Office Bullies. These issues in the work place can cause major problems; for example Slackers lower productivity. These poor work habits may affect your job performance. And productivity if this cause you to have to pick up the slack. A solution to a slackers may be to explain respectfully to them how their behavior is affecting you and what you would like to see changed. However, it is the coworker's supervisor's responsibility to deal with problem workplace behavior. So you may have to just concentrate on being a good employee. Also make certain you don’t fall …show more content…

A criteria’s that a manger can put in place to inshore that there is no Bulling in the work place are. Getting a specific commitment from the bully. This commitment should include what the bully will stop or start doing and how you will follow up. They must understand that the patterns of bad behavior will not be tolerated. Talk to them about the likelihood of slip-ups in advance, and discuss how you would deal with them. Finally, that manger must be optimistic about changing the bully’s behavior. The interesting truth is that many bullies don’t know they are bullies. The term “bully” has become so pejorative that few imagine it could apply to them. And yet, when the pervasiveness of the problem and the many forms it takes are observed, it’s reasonable to conclude that many people are engaging in bullying behavior. And explain the consequences. Describe the effects the bullying behavior is having on the employee’s performance and the performance of others. They need to be as specific as possible. Rather than saying, “People feel they have to walk on eggshells,” say, “People have stopped asking for your help and complaints because they think you don’t listen to their side of the problem. Also,” Emphasize business, and personal effects on fellow employees. Such as legal consequences, such as harassment lawsuits, make sure those are …show more content…

All employees like to be recognized and appreciated for the work they do for their employer. Employee recognition programs provide an opportunity to recognize and thank staff and faculty for their contributions, dedication, and commitment to the ISU community. This as a great way to motivate an employee to work heard. The next criteria that a manger can introduce to ensure that there is no slacker is Documentation has been must be compiled, management will want the team to try and resolve this internally. Candidly, but tactfully, approach the slacker. Share the concerns of the team. Share very specific examples. Share the documentation. Appeal to the slacker about the benefits of being a team player and a contributor. Try to avoid a negative approach and a threatening position. If the next step is to go to management, then the team prepare for a lengthy and somewhat uncomfortable discussion. Managers needs to assemble the documentation, give a warning, than corrective actions must be implemented, if this don’t work

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