Simulation Session Reflection Paper

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Reflection Paper
Prior to my simulation session, I reviewed my Session 2 plan, and the comments made on my plan, and made the needed corrections to my plan as suggested after the plan was graded. I met with my partner for the first time in the hallway prior to our session. We discussed the overall plan, and provided feedback to my partner on the plan. We established how we would start out the session, and the plan for the reminder of the session.
I felt very nervous prior to the session beginning. I get anxious speaking in front of groups of people, and I was fearful I would say the wrong thing, or not follow the Solution-Focused plan correctly. I was also thinking about what may happen and how the clients would react, and what they would say as the conversation progressed. However, after a few minutes, I started to feel more relaxed, and forgot about the classroom full of people who were watching me. I started to feel like I was in a real session with real clients, and my gut feelings just started to take over my nervousness.
I adjusted the plan I had in my head by just going with the flow of the conversation. It is always more important to go with the clients where they are going as opposed to trying to force them …show more content…

There were many times when I just needed to pull myself back into my head, and not say what I was thinking. I do feel, at times, a social worker finds themselves in the position of relating to one person’s ideas over another person’s. However, I cannot allow myself to express that because I do not want to appear I am taking one person’s side over the other’s. I could relate to Marie’s desire for her son to know about his cultural background. I could also find myself biting my tongue when Richard was expressing why it was important for RJ to know his African-American

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