The Pros And Cons Of Solution-Focused Therapy

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Clients who have experienced trauma are literally living in a world of pain which plays out in their challenging behaviors. Maltreated and abused individuals often experience a wide range of psychological and physical problems such as, emotional avoidance and negative post-traumatic cognitions. When an individual has experienced multiple, severe forms of trauma, the psychological results are often multiple and severe as well; a phenomenon sometimes referred to as complex posttraumatic disturbance. Complex trauma can be defined as a combination of early and late-onset, multiple, and sometimes highly invasive traumatic events, usually of an ongoing, interpersonal nature. In most cases, such trauma includes exposure to repetitive childhood sexual, …show more content…

When working with adolescents that display behavioral problems and it not capable or ready to see positive change, the counselor need to be confident that the client can and will make positive changes in his or her life. Solution-focused therapy is a form of postmodern therapy that was pioneered by de Shazer and colleagues and has its roots in brief problem-focused therapy (de Shazer, 1985; Lethem, 2002). Solution-Focus Therapy (SFT) is grounded on the counselor’s confidences in the client’s ability for positive change by accessing and using inner resources and strengths. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy group treatment is based on over twenty years of theoretical development, clinical practice, and empirical research (e.g., de Shazer et al., 1986; Berg & Miller, 1992; Berg, 1994; De Jong & Berg (2008); de Shazer, Dolan et al., 2006). Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is different in many ways from traditional approaches to treatment. The constructivism honors the client’s subjective perception of his or her reality and post-structuralism it where reality arises from a consensual linguistic process, the world, our social contest, and our reality are filtered through. It does not put emphasis on past failings and problems, and instead focuses on clients’ present strengths and previous successes. There is a focus on working from the client’s understandings of her/his …show more content…

Our cognitions, emotions and behaviors interact significantly and have a reciprocal cause and effect relationship. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, (REBT) emphasizes the importance of goals, purposes, and meaning in human existence. Ellis believes that our emotions stem mainly from our beliefs, evaluations, interpretations and reactions to life situations (Corey, 2009). We originally learn irrational beliefs from significant others during our childhood and we actively reinforce self-defeating beliefs, keeping ourselves emotionally disturbed by internalizing beliefs such as the “shoulds” “musts” and “oughts.” The ABCDE concept helps clients change their irrational thoughts and assists them to understand the vicious circle of the self-blaming process, which also changes their self-defeating

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