Simple Reaction Time

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1) Define SRT- Simple reaction time; a type of reaction that requires just one response to a single stimulus. 2) Define CRT- Choice reaction time; a type of reaction where there is an alternative stimulus and the subject gives a particular response for the presented one. 3) What are the different groups used for comparison?- The karate athletes were grouped and compared based on their age (children, cadets, juniors, and seniors), gender, and whether they compete at a national or international level. 4) Describe the methods in your words.- Karate athletes that were competing in the same tournament were selected and volunteered to be tested on their auditory and visual reaction times. These included auditory reaction time, simple reaction time, and choice reaction time. There were 227 athletes that participated in the study and ranged from the ages of 10 to over 18. The researchers conducting the study followed the same protocol for each participant, which included the athlete's using their dominant hand during the …show more content…

In addition, the reaction times for children were also higher when it came to simple and choice reaction time. There were no real significant differences when it came to cadets, juniors, and seniors in any of the tested categories. Juniors recorded the lowest score in auditory reaction time, seniors recorded the lowest score in simple reaction time, and juniors recorded the lowest score in choice reaction time. In addition, the results showed that athletes competing at the international level had quicker reaction times in all categories when compared to athletes that compete at the national level. Finally, the only significant difference between the reaction times of males and females was with choice reaction time. Males scored significantly lower than

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