Jury Instructionss

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Research Article Summary – Juries 1-CITATION Baguley, C. M., McKimmie, B. M., & Masser, B. M. (2017). Deconstructing the simplification of jury instructions: How simplifying the features of complexity affects jurors’ application of instructions. Law And Human Behavior, 41(3), 284-304. doi:10.1037/lhb0000234. Retrieved March 26, 2018. 2-CRITIQUE I. Questions: What improvements can be made to the jury instructions in order to simply and increase juror comprehension? II. Design: The authors designed their research by using existing data from published experimental studies to examine how condensing each facet of complexity affects mock jurors’ application of instructions, as jurors can only apply instructions to the extent they …show more content…

Results: The results show: A) That dropping the theoretical complexity and amount of additional data was associated with augmented application of the instructions. B) However, reducing both the verbal complexity and amount of information, and providing the instructions in a written format was not. C) In addition, results showed an unexpected contrary effect of popularization—reducing the amount of information was associated with an increase in the punitiveness of mock jurors’ verdicts, independently of the directive content. IV. Discussion: The authors concluded that collectively the results suggest a need to make jury instructions comprehensible, highlight the key principles in the decision-process, and identify a way to eliminate the negative effect of reducing the amount of information. A) Suggestions: 1) The authors recommended that the jury instructions be more comprehensible, touch base on the key principles in the decision-making process and identify a way to eradicate the negative effect of reducing the amount of information. B) Limitations: 1) The authors acknowledged that one of the limitations to this study is that not all instructions would get read due the self-pace of the

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