Sickle Cell Anemia Case Study

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B1.1 Where do you think you’ll find that the most villagers are dying from sickle-cell anemia? Explain.
Most villagers that are dying from sickle-cell anemia will come from the villagers at the very wet regions where there are many mosquitoes. The simulation shows that the malaria death for very wet regions rate is 0.2, that is the highest number compared to other regions. It is because there are many mosquitos in that area, so that area might be where malaria has long been endemic. Because of that, the villagers in those very wet regions have evolved dozens of chemical as defenses against malaria and the sickle cell is one of them (anti-malarial). Natural selection acts so that people with sickle cell allele are more common in those very wet regions as they survive and reproduce better in the environment where malaria is endemic, especially those people with heterozygous sickle cell allele (HbA/HbS) as it acts as ‘shield’ that protect them from dying from malarial disease and also sickle cell disease. However, those who have sickle cell allele especially the homozygous for the …show more content…

Explain. Yes, the sickle cell allele will disappear but only at the dry area where there are no mosquitoes. It is because, if we applying the natural selection theory, people with sickle cell will not have any advantage at environment that do not have or have very little cases of malaria, like the dry area that have no mosquitoes. People with sickle cell anemia at the dry area will die from the sickle cell disease, as the antimalarial properties of the sickle cell is not an advantage at the dry environment, including those that are sickle cell disease carrier. So, as the time goes by, the population with sickle cell anemia will die out and disappears, because those that did not have sickle cell allele will survive and reproduce better compared to those who have the sickle cell

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